We can not teach people anything; we can only help them discover it within themselves - Galilieo Galilei

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Do you have a healthy heart rate?

Greetings Students,

As we come to the end of our unit on the Human Organ Systems, I want you to remember how to keep a healthy and active lifestyle.  As we have learned, a healthy diet and exercise is important to our organs.  Our guest speaker last week gave us many important tips to follow and what we can do to stay fit and exercise. 

Here is an informative website about how to check your breathing rate.  After you checked your breathing practice checking and counting your heart while doing various activities.  For example, while jogging, running, walking and even sitting.  Here is a helpful site to guide you along as you check your heart.  It also provides appropriate number of beats per minute for both children and adults.  Record your results.  Have fun and test your parents as well.  Compare yours to theirs to see any differences or similarities.  We will be continuing this lesson tomorrow in groups. 

See you all then!   
Ms. Greco

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