We can not teach people anything; we can only help them discover it within themselves - Galilieo Galilei

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Greetings Everyone!

Tomorrow we will be talking about parallel, perpendicular and intersecting lines.  To get you all thinking here are some facts about each.  Two lines, both in the same plane, that never intersect are called parallel lines.  Parallel lines remain the same distance apart at all times.  Perpendicular lines are two lines that intersect and form right (90 degree) angles.  This symbol is used to represent perpendicular lines.  Intersecting lines are two or more lines that meet at a point. 

Can you identify which are Parallel, Perpendicular and Intersecting lines?

Here is an activity that you can practice before we get started.  Be prepared to discuss this further in math class tomorrow.

Have a wonderful night!
Ms. Greco

P.S. I will leave you with one last problem of the night.  What is this? And what is its degree? (Hint: Perpendicular lines). First person that gets the correct answer will win something tomorrow!

Hello Students,

As we continue with our unit on Geometric Shapes I want you to remember what we learned in class today.  We reviewed our lesson on Quadrilaterals.  A quadrilateral is a shape with 4 sides.

We also began our study of polygons.  A regular polygon is a shape in which all angles and sides are equal.  An irregular polygon is any polygon that is not a regular polygon. A polygon whose sides are not all the same length or whose interior angles do not all have the same measure.  We also learned that polygons can be both two-dimensional and three-dimensional.  We will focus more on this next math lesson.

Here are four shapes. 

Calculate the area of each shape and state if you think it is a regular polygon or an irregular polygon.  The first person to show me the correct answers for each shape after the morning bell will get a surprise from me.

After you have completed this check your skills on geometric shapes here. 
Be sure to remember this post and refer to it as you study for our Geometry test at the end of this unit.

Happy problem-solving! J
Ms. Greco



Do you have a healthy heart rate?

Greetings Students,

As we come to the end of our unit on the Human Organ Systems, I want you to remember how to keep a healthy and active lifestyle.  As we have learned, a healthy diet and exercise is important to our organs.  Our guest speaker last week gave us many important tips to follow and what we can do to stay fit and exercise. 

Here is an informative website about how to check your breathing rate.  After you checked your breathing practice checking and counting your heart while doing various activities.  For example, while jogging, running, walking and even sitting.  Here is a helpful site to guide you along as you check your heart.  It also provides appropriate number of beats per minute for both children and adults.  Record your results.  Have fun and test your parents as well.  Compare yours to theirs to see any differences or similarities.  We will be continuing this lesson tomorrow in groups. 

See you all then!   
Ms. Greco
Hello Students,

As promised in the previous post we have been talking about healthy lifestyle choices and how they affect the human body the past few days.  There are many negative lifestyles that affect our body.  As many of you have stated this afternoon some of them are: an unhealthy diet, alcohol or substance abuse, smoking or lack of exercise.  Be sure to talk with you group and let me know by Monday what each group will be doing for their science projects at the end of our unit.
To help prepare us for our guest speaker on Monday please complete the human diagram we started in class today for homework.  Here is a diagram to help you.

After you have completed your diagram test your knowledge on the human anatomy with these games J  

Have a great weekend!
Ms. Greco   
Hello Students and Parents!

In the next couple of weeks we will be focusing our language arts lessons around biographies and how to create one.  I will be handing out a template for this in class on Tuesday.  You will be required to write your biography about a celebrity you admire.  Please take a look at the biography website for more information and further reference.  We will talk more about this next class.                            

Math Frog is a helpful site for students and parents to practice and be informed about the curriculum strands in math.  Be sure to have a look and follow along through the year as we go through each math strand. 

Science For Kids is a site for students to engage in educational activities.  Be sure to take special interest in health and biology as we will be talking about healthy lifestyle choices next class. Have fun and be informed!

Ms. Greco

Our Trip!

Greetings Parents and Students!

We have just recently finished our novel study of the The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck.  It is a story of hope and endurance. 

Next week we will be visiting the Stratford Shakespeare Festival to see this wonderful play.  Please be sure to check the site for more information.  And do not forget to come to school prepared for our trip next Friday!
Ms. Greco


Welcome back Grade 5’s!
Greetings Parents and Guardians!

I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing break.  I am excited and privileged to be your grade 5 teacher this year!  I am looking forward to getting to know each and every one of you.  Our classroom is going to be a fun, exciting and learning filled environment.  One thing I ask is that all my students treat each other with the utmost respect and equality.  We will keep God’s image in our hearts every time we enter our classroom and our school. 
This blog will be a way for students and parents to find important notes and resources based on what we are doing in class.  It will also be used to provide necessary links about certain activities and trips going on in the school.  Students and parents will have access to this page at any point throughout the year.  Any homework and missed daily work will be posted here.  If you know you are going to be away, be sure to look here for updated information.  So I encourage both students and parents to follow this blog regularly.  I will be providing parents with my contact information the first week back at school, should you feel the need to reach me at any time. 


I am sure you have already read my paragraph About Me.  If you have not, please do so because we will be sharing a little bit about ourselves tomorrow with the class.  We will also be sharing our stories about our summer vacations.  So come to school prepared!
I am so glad to start the year with all of you! J
Your Teacher
Ms. Greco